
Cute Circuit presented the F+R Hugs project (now the HugShirt), a wearable hugging shirt, at the annual Cyber@rt Bilbao festival. This project started as a collaborative piece between Francesca Rosella, Ryan Genz, and Rikako Sakai. The jury presided by Angela Molina, director of CyberArt, and Javier...

Presenting prototypes and theories for creating interactive and immersive narrative, Ryan Genz speaks at the Code and Creativity consortium at the University of Maine. Code and Creativity Consortium...

Francesca presents the Identity Service project at the Life of Mobile Data Conference at University of Surrey, UK. The conference is developed by the Sociology department....

Cute Circuit exhibits an interactive installation of the pioneering 3D augmented reality audio "Embedded Theater" project at the Plugged-In festival at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art. Center for Maine Contemporary Art...

Ryan and Francesca lectured at the Image Arts School (New Media Department) at Ryerson University, about interactive storytelling and wearable computing. Here is a pic of happy students with Professor Tim Jackson. See Ryerson Image Arts School website at Ryerson Image Arts School....

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